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Botanical Garden of VyatSU is ready to receive visitors

  • 10 June 2020, 20:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2239

At the end of restrictive measures, Kirov residents and guests will be able to see a magnificent collection of plants

The restrictive measures taken in connection with the coronavirus are gradually being canceled - the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University, one of the favorite recreation place of the citizens and guests of the city, is waiting in the wings.

Thanks to the efforts of the garden staff, the collection has been fully preserved; all plans for creating an exposition 2020 have been implemented. The Botanical Garden, as before, is an island of beauty and tranquility in the heart of Kirov.

The beginning of June is the time for tulips blossom. The alley located at the beginning of the exposition is decorated with a multi-colored cascade. Frucetum, a section of shrubs in the center of the garden, makes it possible to enjoy different varieties of lilacs. Nearby is a delicate beauty: it is a leucojum, charming with cleanliness and lightness. Blooming chestnut, European and Asian glowerflower, clematis and anemone, tree peony - these and many other plants are ready to appear before visitors in all its glory!

An interesting excursion program has been prepared for the beginning of the season. As gardener Larisa Kanina said, several new excursions have been developed. One of them is dedicated to names - now many visitors will be able to find in the garden the “namesake” among the plants.

The design of the flowerbeds is also new: what became their “highlight” this year, you can find out immediately after lifting the restrictions. The Botanical garden staff hope that it will not wait long.

Among those who have seen different times, the famous long liver of the garden - pedunculate oak. In the year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, it is decorated with a St. George ribbon - like several other trees that survived the Great Patriotic War.

In the garden, nightingales, blackbirds, chicks, finches still sing, creating a wonderful accompaniment to the beauty of trees, flowers and shrubs.

Follow the news about the opening of the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University and come here for a walk as soon as possible!

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