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Competition in financial research starts at Vyatka State University

  • 1 November 2017, 15:27
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3240

The competition is held with support of the Ministry of Finance of Kirov region within the All-Russian program "Days of financial literacy in educational institutions" and the All-Russian Savings Week.

VyatSU Department of Finance and Economic Security announces an open competition in financial research.

Objectives of the COMPETITION:

-          promoting improvement of specialists training, activation and stimulation of educational and scientific activities in the financial sphere;

-            summarizing and disseminating the best practices of students and university lecturers  in priority areas of science, technology and innovation for improving financial literacy, ensuring financial security of Russia and its regions;

-            assisting in formation of young specialists personnel reserve for leading financial, insurance and credit companies;

-            assisting in development of tripartite relations between universities, students and employers;

-            introducing new educational methods aimed at developing students’ skills for solving practical financial and investment problems;

Students of various institutes and faculties are welcome to take part in the competition. The following various forms of presentations are available:

- research work;

- original presentation;

- video on problems of improving financial literacy for different age groups;

- social media project (long-form articles, an Internet portal, a brochure, an information booklet) aimed at ​​financial literacy increasing.

The results are to be announced on January 15, 2018.

Deadline for works submitting is December 25, 2017.

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