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Congratulations to VyatSU Professor Natalya Pavlovna Savinykh on two anniversaries!

  • 14 January 2023, 09:08
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1086
On January 8, our outstanding scientist and teacher turned 75 years old, and half a century ago at the same time, the countdown of Natalia Pavlovna's professional activity began

January 8, 2023 marks 50 years of pedagogical and scientific activity, 75 years of Natalya Pavlovna Savinykh - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology, a prominent Russian scientist, a well-known specialist in the field of plant biomorphology, structural botany, forest biology, biodiversity and conservation Nature, Honorary Worker of Higher Education (2001).

Natalya Pavlovna was born in the village of Tarasovy, Orichevsky district, Kirov region, in the family of a teacher. In 1966 she entered the Faculty of Natural Geography of the Kirov State Pedagogical Institute V. I. Lenin. She graduated in 1971 with a degree in biology and chemistry. Since 1973, he has been working at the Vyatka State University at the Department of Botany (now the Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology) as an assistant, senior lecturer (1980), associate professor (1981), deputy dean (1991–1995), head of the department of botany (1995– 2009), head of  the Department of Biology (2009-2015), Head of the Competence Center "Use of Biological Resources" (2015-2021), since 2021 - Professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology.

In 1976, Natalya Pavlovna entered the graduate school of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin to the Department of Botany. In 1979, under the guidance of Professor Tatyana Ivanovna Serebryakova, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Comparative morphogenetic study of life forms of Veronica of the Veronica L. section”; in 2000 - doctoral dissertation "Biomorphology of the speedwells of Russia and neighboring countries" with scientific advice from Professor Nina Ivanovna Shorina.

Over the years of her working life, Natalya Pavlovna has published more than 200 scientific (including more than 90 articles in Russian and foreign periodicals) and methodological works. In 2006, co-authored the textbook “Botany with the basics of phytocenology. Anatomy and Morphology of Plants”, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions.

Natalya Pavlovna created a scientific school on plant biomorphology, prepared 10 candidates of sciences.

N.P. Savinykh was and remains the ideological inspirer, organizer and active participant of all-Russian and international conferences at our university (2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2022). Natalya Pavlovna constantly makes presentations at scientific forums held in various parts of Russia, is a permanent member of program committees and head of sections. For many years she has been the head of the Kirov branch of the Russian Botanical Society.

Natalya Pavlovna is a professional in her field, an excellent teacher, a wise mentor and a reliable friend, a kind, sympathetic person with bright eyes and a pure heart. She has made and will continue to make a significant contribution to domestic science and education.

On behalf of all colleagues, students and friends, we warmly and cordially congratulate dear Natalya Pavlovna on her jubilee year! We sincerely wish you longevity, health, inexhaustible energy, creative activity and success, optimism. Let only kind and bright people like you meet on your life path!

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