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Economists of VyatSU won the Regional competition of creative works "Economic security of the Russian Federation"

  • 4 June 2021, 10:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2376

The event was organized by the Institute of Economics and Management of Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov

In the nomination "Normative legal support of the economic security of the state" the following are awarded:

  ✔️  Diploma of the 1st degree - Bogachev V.N., master's student of the Institute of Economics and Management of VyatSU

Topic: "Improving the system of the protection of labor rights of citizens in the system of economic security of the state"

In the nomination "Research of issues of ensuring economic security at the meso- and micro-level":

  ✔️  Diploma of the 1st degree - Kyzyurov M.S., post-graduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management of Vyatka State University

Topic: "Improving the mechanism for assessing the budgetary component of the financial and budgetary security of the region (on the example of the Komi Republic)"

  ✔️  Diploma of the 1st degree - Perminov A.G., Master's student of the Institute of Economics and Management of VyatSU

Topic: "Economic security in the integrated security system of the enterprise"

VyatSU thanks the Vladimir State University for the opportunity to participate in the competition, for the high appreciation of the works.

We congratulate our winners and wish them further scientific success in researching the problems of ensuring economic security.

Translated by Artemij Sizov


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