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For the most daring ideas: a unique unit has been created at VyatSU - the Youth Project Office

  • 31 October 2021, 19:17
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1378

The first meeting of the Youth Project Office with the students of VyatSU took place at the Boiling Point. The participants of the meeting got acquainted with the project activities and projects of the Youth Office: everyone found an interesting project for themselves

The Youth Project Office (YPO) is a new subdivision of the university, which forms the youth policy of VyatSU and helps fulfill the ideas of students. The YPO participants position themselves as follows:

    - We are active students of the university who help adapt in the life of the university and shape the future.

At a meeting with VyatSU students, the organizers talked about project activities through trainings and master classes: how to think over solutions to a project problem through brainstorming and determine your life values ​​and goals through art therapy and communication with other people.

After the trainings, representatives of the Youth Project Office presented their projects. So far, we are talking about ideas and a general vision of their implementation: the plans will have to be finalized and implemented within a year. Some of the projects have already begun to be implemented, while others require a large team. Among them are projects aimed at improving student life, the quality of education, the internal ecosystem of the university and projects under the Priority 2030 program.

The exhibition of student associations, the creation of an alumni association, the VyatSU mobile application, work with students with disabilities, student tourism, the creation of competitive coworking, the organization of creative directions, board games among students and the rock festival of VyatSU - these topics really captivated the representatives of the Youth office and aroused the obvious interest of students.

You can also join any of the projects, you can even participate in several at once. You can contact the organizers through the VKontakte group: Later, you will be notified of a new appointment.


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