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From the next academic year, students of the Electrical Engineering Faculty of Vyatka State University will begin to develop their soft skills

  • 6 February 2022, 17:07
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1292

A strategic session was held at Vyatka State University to introduce the core of educational programs of universal competencies into the educational process

It should be noted right away that the introduction of a program for the development of universal competencies or soft skills does not mean an increase in the number of classes or tests, exams.

    We are not talking about extracurriculars, but about classes that take place as part of the curriculum. All educational programs now have disciplines that can be conditionally divided into hard skills - subjects in the specialty, and soft skills - subjects that are not directly related to professional competencies and skills. If we talk about students of the electrical engineering faculty, then these are such disciplines as philosophy, history, a foreign language, economics, physical culture and sports. And now we are changing the content and methods of teaching these disciplines in such a way that students develop creativity, communication skills, worldview, knowledge and skills of keeping their health, as well as problem solving -

said the vice-rector for education of Vyatka State University Sergey Nikulin.

Work on changing disciplines is carried out jointly by the leadership and teachers of the Polytechnic Institute, in particular the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, with teachers of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Pedagogical Institute and the Institute of Economics and Management. Based on the portrait of the ideal graduate, teachers determine which universal competencies can develop students in classes in the disciplines of universal competencies.

    Take, for example, history. We plan that this subject - first for ETF students, and then for students of other engineering specialties of our university - will become not just a subject about dates and facts that you need to remember in order to pass the exam successfully, but a subject about interaction with the outside world, which , in our opinion, can make any graduate more successful, -

Sergey Nikulin said.

It is planned that new work programs in soft skills disciplines for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering will be ready in May. It is from the work programs that applicants and students will be able to learn in detail how such subjects as history, philosophy, a foreign language, economics and others will be taught from September.

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