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Guiyun considers it a "sign" that once in her native alma mater - Yancheng Pedagogical University, she learned that the partner university invites bachelors to study Russian in the natural environment

  • 17 November 2021, 12:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1371

- I know that the language environment is very important, so I decided to go to Russia, to VyatSU. I didn’t know to speak Russian at all, but not only that was difficult. First, the difference in climate. My homeland is in the south of China, there is always humid air, and in Kirov it is dry. And the temperature is much colder here. Secondly, nutrition, the so-called "food culture clash". The products here are not familiar to China. True, over time, new habits have come and now neither the weather nor food is a big problem.

Today Guiyun is in her 3rd year. Guiyun told the participants of the forum of the Volga-Yangtze University Association, which brought together more than 450 students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the Volga Federal District and the provinces of the Upper and Middle reaches of the Yangtze River of the People's Republic of China.

Guiyun is now preparing to defend her dissertation. In the future, the girl plans to return to her homeland and work as a teacher of Russian or Chinese.

- I will recommend VyatSU to my future students. My university is open, beautiful, strong and multinational. And most importantly, the quality of education is high here!

And the world's best students! Thank you  祝你好运和成功!
Postgraduate student Yang Guiyun: "I advise friends who dream of teaching Russian in China to pack their bags and go to VyatSU"

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