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In honor of the Year of Science and Technology, the fifth anniversary All-Russian Olympiad in foreign languages is held ​​in VyatSU!

  • 8 September 2021, 15:22
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1457

 We invite the undergraduates of the non-language directions studying English or German, to take part in the fifth All-Russian Foreign Language Olympiad for the undergraduates of non-language areas held with the support of the Primary Trade Union Organization VyatSU and the Council of Young Specialists at the Primary Trade Union Organization VyatSU

This event is held on October 3, 2021 in a remote form!

The application form for participation in the Olympics and consent to the processing of personal data (see informletter) is filled by the participant and sent in one file to the electronic address of the secretary of the organizing committee until October 01, 2021 inclusive. In the name of the file with the application, please indicate the "FULL NAME, APPLICATION".

On the occasion of the anniversary year, our Olympics invite all participants from the past Olympiads!

The team testing of universities is being held again!
And also the nomination of competitive work on individual nominations, determined by members of the Competition Commission, is there.

All winners and prizers of the Olympiad are awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees and small presents.

Teachers participating in the language training of participants of the Olympiad are sent letters of appreciation.

Participation fee is not charged.

Details of the participation and procedure for holding the Olympics - in the information letter!


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