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In the dining room of VyatSU, you can now pay... 'with a glance'

  • 15 October 2021, 21:27
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1419

 In the canteen of the first building, the Sberbank service "Pay with one look" was launched, thanks to which you can pay for lunch without a bank card, cash or phone

A control test of the system for operability was carried out by the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach and the Manager of the Kirov branch of Sberbank Artem Pishchik.

    Payment with biometrics is the next, new step in the evolution of payments. In this case, we are confident, on one hand, in the safety of this story, and on the other hand, that this will only improve the quality of payments, since you will not need to carry anything with you, our faces are always with us, - told by Artem Pishchik.

To activate the service, you need to open the SberBank Online mobile application and select the "Pay by one look" item in the "Cards" or "Profile" section. After that, you just need to follow simple instructions.

VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach is confident that the new service will make dining in the canteen more convenient and comfortable for students.

    Our dear, beloved students often forget cards, wallets, student cards. And while for the entrance to the university this can create inconveniences on the part of the security service, there will definitely be no problem to dine in the canteen now.

    - In the near future, after this technology is polished, which - I see - is already working perfectly now, we will make payments with your face, in simple terms, a ubiquitous, convenient service, - said Valentin Pugach.

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