Online newspaper

Kirov region is the 8th in the top-list for garbage collected volume

  • 19 September 2018, 09:32
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3372

"Clean games in Vyatka» took place on September 15. This ecological project "Clean games" (including 56 cities of Russia) is an alternative competitive version of the regular cleaning-up. There wins the team that collected the largest garbage amount.


Kirov has been participating in the project for the last two years already. It is organized by VyatSU Institute of chemistry and ecology.

This year some Kirov enterprises joined the Games as partners and sponsors: JSC "Vyatka machine-building enterprise "Avitek", JSC "Kirov machine-building enterprise", "Kirov meat-packing plant" and LLC "Liton".


This year's garbage collection competitions were held in Pristanskaya street. 25 teams (74 people in total) picked up and sorted 305 bags of garbage, including 149 bags of mixed garbage, 70 bags of plastic, 17 bags of metal and 69 bags of glass. In addition 50 tires and 5 batteries were picked up during the Games; all the garbage has been already sent to waste recovery, thus, no longer poisoning the environment.


So, the final results are announced as follows:

1st place – Pirelli Kirov team "Formular 1";

2nd place - team “Aqua”;

3rd place - team "mi&ko".


These three teams, as well as the winners of environmental quiz and the contest for the most unusual finding were awarded by sponsors and partners of the event.


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