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Leading Russian and foreign glybiologists meeting at Vyatka State University

  • 21 September 2018, 08:04
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3179

On September 23-28, 2018 Vyatka State University will host the IV All-Russian Conference with international participation "Fundamental glycobiology"


According to tradition Russian glycobiologists meet every two years to share the results of their research of structure, properties and biological functions of complex carbohydrates. In addition to Russian scientists researchers from France, Belarus, and Kazakhstan will come to VyatSU.


The previous venues located in Kazan (2012), Saratov (2014) and Vladivostok (2016). The choice of cities is not accidental: it is due to paying tribute to scientists of these scientific centers and their contribution to glycobiology development. In Vyatka State University carbohydrates are being actively explored in the Center for Excellence "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology" of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, where in a close cooperation with colleagues from the Institute of Physiology of the Komi Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science (Syktyvkar) a versatile study of plant polysaccharides is held.


The intensive program of the conference includes lectures, plenary reports of leading scientists, a forum discussion "Glyco-Pharma: Challenges and Prospects", a school-conference of young scientists "Chemistry and biochemistry of carbohydrates", as well as round-table discussion of essential problems of carbohydrate scientists.


Visit conference site:

Conference venue - Engineering of Vyatka State University (41, Preobrazhenskaya St.).


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