Online newspaper

Let's make the university more modern and stylish!

  • 27 June 2021, 10:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1836

VyatSU announces the start of a competition for graffiti sketches that will decorate the walls of buildings and dormitories

This have not happened before!

Only until August 31, you have a chance to win the competition, paint creative graffiti on one of the buildings of Vyatka State University and make the counter of boring gray wall in Kirov go down by one!

Street artists from among the students of VyatSU, schoolchildren and residents of Kirov can take part.

Anything can be the theme of the sketch:

    The life of youth
    The science,

Currently 7 walls have been selected, on which your graffiti can appear. These are educational building number 8 (Studenchesky proezd, 11) and the passage between it and building number 6, hostels number 3 (Lomonosov, 12 a), 5 (Lomonosov, 16 a) and 8 (Svoboda, 133), a red building near Engineerium VyatSU (Preobrazhenskaya, 41) and the entrance group of the Botanical Garden of VyatSU (K. Marx, 95).

To participate in the competition, you must send your work by letter with the subject "Sketch competition" to the e-mail before August 31. The letter must include the address of the building where you would like to place your graffiti.

Do not miss the chance to change the face of your native university and city a little! Decorate the wall of VyatSU with creative graffiti!

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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