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Lia Tarasova, master-linguist of VyatSU, became the bronze medalist of the All-Russian Olympiad "I am a professional"

  • 29 May 2021, 11:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1674
The girl performed in the direction "Philology"

The Olympiad was held in 3 stages. Following the qualifying results, Lia scored 92 points out of 100, which allowed her to reach the semifinals. The second stage took place in March. The format of the assignments required the introduction of short answers: fill in the gaps in the text, guess the word, write the number of the verse of the poem, which contains certain information, etc. Not without difficulties connected with the organization of the Olympiad, Liya Tarasova made it to the finals.

    - There were some difficulties with the organization of the Olympiad, which made me nervous. After the announcement of the results of the semi-final, many participants, including myself, had to file appeals due to the fact that, due to the automatic check, not all correct answers were credited. As a result of the appeal, they added additional points to me, and the final point was enough to reach the finals, - Lia said.

In the final, in all tasks it was necessary to give a detailed answer. Of particular interest to Lia, of course, was the Foreign Language block, where it was necessary to work with the text in English (fill in the missing words, explain the meaning of the word, determine the type of predicate, etc.), and also perform a small translation.

    - The main difficulty was that the direction of the Olympiad "Philology" combines a fairly wide range of tasks (Russian language and linguistics, literature and literary studies, translation studies, foreign language). For example, I realized in advance that it would be difficult for me to cope with the tasks from the "Literature" section, since the issues presented are usually dealt with at the Faculty of Philology, not linguistics, and it would be simply impossible to re-read all the material. I tried to focus on exactly what is closer to my profile, as well as on those tasks for which I can prepare in a short time - Lia shared impressions about the final tasks of the Olympiad.

This strategy has yielded results. For example, the girl managed to get the highest score for a task related to pre-revolutionary spelling, which she had not previously encountered, but studied this topic just a couple of days before the final.

    - When you participate in any competitions of an all-Russian scale, it is difficult to assess your chances of success in advance because of the established opinion that all prizes are always "taken" by students from prestigious universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, so I was especially glad, when I saw the status of "bronze medalist" in my personal account on May 25, - says Lia.

For the medalists of the Olympiad, not only diplomas are provided, but also benefits for further admission to many universities, inclusion in the national base "I am a professional", the opportunity to undergo an internship in large companies, as well as a cash bonus.

In parting, Lia wished the future participants of the "I am a professional" Olympiad to believe in themselves and not be afraid of anything:

    - I would like to wish the future participants of the fifth season of the Olympiad "I am a professional" and in general all students not to be afraid of anything, believe in themselves and not ignore the university's offers to participate in various events and competitions. And, of course, listen carefully to the teachers, because without the knowledge gained during my studies at the Faculty of Linguistics of Vyatka State University, I certainly would not have been able to achieve such a high result.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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