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More than 200 high school students from Kirov and the Kirov region took part in the Olympiad on pedagogy

  • 29 April 2019, 09:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3164
From 8 to 20 April 2019, the V Regional Olympiad on pedagogy “Pedagogy around us” was held at the Faculty of pedagogy and psychology of VyatSU

The purpose of the Olympiad is to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and to identify students who are oriented towards the teaching profession.

236 students (9-11 grades) from 23 educational organizations of Kirov and Kirov region (Slobodskoy, Kirovo-Chepetsk, township Yurya, township Nizhneivkino, township Kiknur, village Sredneivkino of Verkhoshizhemsky district) took part in the competition.

The first stage was a distance tour, according the results participants of the second an internal stage were identified.

At the second, an internal stage of the Olympiad, participants were invited to the university. A rich program of theoretical and creative tests was prepared for them. Olympiad competitions included team and individual participation.

In the first competition, students individually solved the tests, demonstrating the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

In the course of the second group competition, students invented and showed how to use various subjects: shells, tea bags, face creams, clothespins in the teacher’s work.

The team game "The Fight of Minds" aroused a particular interest. Participants presented their comprehensive education and ability to competently build communications.

 Upshinskaya Anastasia (MBGEI Secondary School with advanced studies of particular subjects №48, Kirov) and Suya Maria (MBGEI Secondary School №11, Kirov) received winner's certificates.

Participants who did not win prizes were not upset, noting during reflection that they received

positive emotions from solving entertaining tasks and communicating with colleagues.

The results of the participants of the Olympiad are taken into account when entering the Vyatka State University in accordance with the annual admission rules.

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