Online newspaper

More than 200 people took courses at VyatSU for curators of practice on interaction with special students

  • 13 October 2021, 17:17
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1587

 From September 28 to October 8, 2021, the VyatSU Training and Methodological Resource Center for Training Disabled People and People with limited abiltites (RUMC) implemented training on the additional modular professional networked program "Interaction of the practice curator with a student with disabilities, including using remote technologies" developed by the RUMC network in 2020

The program was attended by teachers, heads of university departments in charge of student practice, as well as representatives of employing companies that accept and plan to keep accepting students with disabilities and limited abilties into industrial practice. The courses were attended by 216 listeners from 29 partner universities of the RUMC VyatSU located in the assigned territory, which includes the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Udmurt Republic, the Chuvash Republic, the Orenburg region and the Kirov region.

The training took place in full-time and part-time form using remote educational technologies. The listeners were provided with access to video lectures, webinars and test tasks for self-examination and independent work on the development of a project idea on the topic "Strategic initiatives of inclusive higher education: organizing the practice of students with disabilities" for final certification.

The professional competences acquired in the course of training were demonstrated by the listeners during presentations and defense of project ideas. Based on the results of the defense, all course students who have mastered the modular networked training program received certificates of advanced training.

    - It is important that in the learning process, students have acquired real professional competencies necessary for a high-quality and accessible organization of practical training for students with disabilities of all types

said the head of the department of methodological development and advanced training of the RUMC VyatSU Natalia Buldakova.

For reference:
The training was carried out as part of the implementation of the roadmap for organizing socially significant events in the field of education, science and youth policy on training and socio-psychological support for students with disabilities.

You can always ask questions regarding the organization of inclusive higher education by contacting the Call Center of VyatSU by phone 8 800 222 05 90 or by e-mail

Call-center works according to the following schedule (Moscow time):
Monday - Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00;
Friday from 8.00 to 16.00.

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