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On City Day - to the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University

  • 3 June 2022, 17:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1382

The Botanical Garden invites residents and guests of the city on June 12 to the opening of the program "Summer Seasons in the Botanical Garden"

Today, the VyatSU Botanical Garden is not only one of the garden-park gems of Kirov, but also a cultural space, a sought-after place for contemplation, education, and creative activities of citizens and guests of the city.

This year the Botanical Garden will be 110 years old! And in honor of the round date, the opening of the new season will be a real holiday!

On this day, the big summer program "Summer Seasons in the Botanical Garden" starts, which was prepared by the main university of the region for the citizens, as part of the Program for the Development of Academic Leadership "Priority - 2030".

Come on June 12 from 10.00 to 20.00 to the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University (K. Marx, 95). A 10-hour event marathon awaits you!

We will be glad to see you on the alleys of a cozy corner of your beloved city. Free admission!



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