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On September 26th the new season of the cultural project "Food & Culture About tastes argue" will start

  • 23 September 2021, 18:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1434

 This is a joint initiative of VyatSU with the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Kirov region, as well as the teams of the Palace of Youth of Kirov and Mediachanel "(in)place of food"

The project presents a new format for promoting world/Russian/regional historical and cultural, artistic and gastronomic heritage among student youth and young families in the format of combined educational lectures with practice-oriented master classes and discussions.

What awaits you on September 26th?

Entertainment and cognitive lecture "The Art of Vegetarian Horror". The lecture will hold by a culturologist, curator of projects of modern art Sophia Piculeva. She will talk about the product, which for centuries is in demand for artists and viewers; The product that can be called "horror for many vegetarians" - it will be about meat in art, more precisely - its reflection in classical world painting and actual practices of modern Performance art.

Upon completion of the lecture, a master class from the chef about preparing two dishes is waiting the guests - hummus with baked beet and tapenade from dried tomatoes and olives and wellington beef.

Participation in the project is free.
You can join the event as in person and online, the registration is open, just follow the link >>

In offline format, the meeting will be held on September 26 at 12.00 in the Culinary Studio "Protus" at the address: Kirov, ul. Karl Marx, 75. The number of places is limited. Ingredients for offline participants provide the organizers.

For those who decide to join remotely, online broadcast in the group "Vyatka Future" will be organized.

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