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On the way to the teaching profession

  • 7 February 2019, 09:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3012

High school students of 8 educational organizations of Kirov and Kirov region took part in activities aimed at acquaintance with the teaching profession.

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology organized a large number of trainings, art therapy classes, scientific and methodical seminars, master-classes for students of the pedagogical classes. Students also took part in excursions and master classes prepared by other faculties of VyatSU: the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports; the Faculty of History, Political Science and Cultural Studies.

In order to know their pedagogical abilities, high school students have passed a comprehensive computer diagnostics program "Proforientator".

All students received a package of documents with results, including interests, abilities and a list of suitable pedagogical professions. Specialists of the Department of organization of admission and vocational guidance of VyatSU told about how to use these results when choosing a profession and choosing an educational organization. In addition to testing, the acquaintance with the rules of admission to VyatSU in 2019 with a detailed explanation of admission to the pedagogical directions of training was organized.

The stuff of the Department of Pedagogy conduct active work with 10th grade students of pedagogical classes. So, they took part in the career guidance event held at the VyatSU College. The psychology teacher conducted a master class on social and communicative development with the use of exercises aimed at self-control in communication. In conclusion, the master class students were able to assess the level of their communication skills and willingness to work with people.

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology thanks VyatSU departments for cooperation and active participation in the training of future teachers.

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