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A new textbook by the famous linguist from Vyatka State University Olga Ivanovna Kolesnikova has been published

  • 7 July 2023, 13:38
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1692
A new textbook by the famous linguist from Vyatka State University Olga Ivanovna Kolesnikova has been published

The book "The National Picture of the World, Its Value Aspects and Cultural Codes in the Lens of Modern Linguistics: Methods of Scientific Research" was prepared as part of the "Harmonious Personality" strategic project of the "Priority 2030" program.

The publishing house of the Vyatka State University has published a new textbook "The national picture of the world, its value aspects and cultural codes in the lens of modern linguistics: methods of scientific research." Its author is Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of the Russian Language, Culture of Speech and Teaching Methods Olga Ivanovna Kolesnikova.

The book was prepared as part of the strategic project "Harmonious Personality" of the Priority 2030 program with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Talent and Success Foundation, and the Sirius Educational Center.

Scientific interest in such an object of research as the linguistic picture of the world and the national linguocultural code, the value components of the image of the world in the minds of modern Russian speakers, determines the demand for the search for reliable and proven methods that can achieve the goals and solve applied problems of a linguistic nature.



According to the author of a unique, according to experts, manual, today, in connection with the growing interest in studying the deep connections of language, culture and national consciousness, it is important for young researchers to navigate the choice of methodological tools and research procedures. It is for scientists beginning their path in science that this book is intended.

It provides an analytical review of the existing concepts in Russian linguistics of studying the cultural code of Russians and our value picture of the world, reflected in the Russian language. The leading methods of the main areas integrating today are considered: cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, media studies, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus and computational linguistics. to be studied and passed on to future generations.

Links to the best dissertations are given, in which each of the research methods that have received a deep description in the book is implemented. The ways of visual representation of the data obtained by the researchers are shown. The textbook is accompanied by a rich source base and imbued with love and respect for the native language, the values ​​of the people stored by it, the cultural heritage that will be studied and passed on to future generations.

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