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Professor of VyatSU Lyudmila Mosunova spoke at the anniversary International Scientific Conference “Science - Education - Profession: a systematic personal activity approach”

  • 25 July 2019, 10:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3191

The report of the scientist of the Flagship University aroused great interest of Russian and foreign colleagues.

On July 8–11, the XV International Scientific Conference “Science – Education – Profession: a systematic personal-activity approach” was held at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow). VyatSU was presented by the Professor of the Department of journalism and integrated communications Lyudmila Mosunova. Her report “Features of perception of symbolic information in electronic educational resources”, aroused great interest of Russian and foreign colleagues.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna told:

Organized under the auspices of the Association of Professors of Slavic Countries, the Conference brought together scientists from Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria and the countries of the former USSR. Scientists - psychologists and teachers - discussed the most acute problems of modern education: social inclusion in the university, psychological safety of the educational environment, features of information perception in electronic educational resources, changing the role of the teacher in their use, professional self-determination in the 21st century society, psychology of retraining of the older people.

A wide range of discussed problems of sharp discussions have shown fundamental changes in the educational strategies of the participating countries and at the same time the interest of the scientific community in preserving and passing on to the younger generation unshakable universal meanings and values through the education.

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