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Publishers open their resources to help researchers

  • 24 September 2020, 16:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2726

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) organizes test access to databases for Russian scientific and educational organizations. Access is provided for two months, and based on the test results, a list of resources for a centralized (national) subscription in 2021 will be formed.

In order to study the demand for information resources by Russian scientific and educational organizations, as well as to formulate proposals on changing the list of resources for centralized (national) subscription in 2021, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), which in 2020 is a single operator of national and centralized subscription on scientific information resources, organized the provision of test access to leading foreign resources.

VyatSU, as part of testing foreign electronic resources, provided access to books in English and German in 2020 published by SpringerNature, EBSCO databases, journals of Walter De Gruyter GmbH, ACM Digital Library, electronic resources of Wiley, including the Cochrane Library "Cochrane Library ", Premier eJournal Collection by Emerald Publiching Ltd., Dimensions by Digital Science & Research Solutions Inc. The journals of these publishers are indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science Core Collection, and many are included in the Q1 or Q2 quartiles of Scopus (CiteScore).
Brief descriptions and links to resource websites, instructions and user guides are posted on the Test accesses page ( home computers resources are accessible through a proxy server.

The list of resources will be constantly expanding.

Also, publishers have prepared a series of webinars in support of test access to electronic resources - the Webinar Calendar. (

Additional information can be obtained in the Reference and Information Department of the VyatSU Scientific Library or by calling 742-759.


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