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"Safe way home" - a unique project of a master's student of VyatSU helps younger students not to make mistakes on the way

  • 5 April 2021, 10:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1675
Tatyana Babintseva has developed a visual layout with the streets of a large microdistrict of the city of Kirov, with the help of which she helps schoolchildren learn how to cross the road with no mistakes

Street, houses, traffic lights, cars and home school. The "Safe Way Home" is a project in which, unlike the road, you can make a mistake without consequences for your health and life. Every day, dozens of situations are worked out on this mock-up that can confuse a child during traffic. Hence, the main task, says Tatyana Babintseva, a master student of VyatSU, teacher of school No. 9 in Kirov, is to minimize the number of dangers for schoolchildren.

- Passing the school, I noticed how the guys were crossing the road ... And it was not always safe, primarily from the side of the child. Yes, the children knew the rules, but in practice they often did not even remember them. Therefore, we got the idea to make an intermediate stage between theory and practice. This is how the “Safe Road Home” layout appeared. The layout did not show abstract streets, but the streets of two microdistricts. It is here that school # 9 is located, where I work and conduct research. The layout reflects the most dangerous areas, in which first graders need to be especially careful.

Both adults and children took part in the creation of the layout. Young schoolchildren painted, pasted numbers on houses, drew sidewalks, pedestrians and cars. Today the model has taken pride of place in the classroom, and during breaks it is a real place of attraction for students. In addition, safety lessons are now being conducted at the school with the help of a model, Tatiana proudly says.

    - Now for the model we are finishing another microdistrict - "Ozerki", since it is very close to the school and some guys go to study from there. And they, too, need to be told, shown and allowed to play the safe route. In the future, we will definitely expand our visual project. It is especially pleasing that the children at school share with the teachers how they teach parents how to cross the road correctly, find different routes.

The project of a young scientist of VyatSU is deservedly appreciated not only in his hometown. Master's student Tatyana Babintseva, studying at VyatSU in the direction of "Pedagogical education" and the profile "Pedagogy of giftedness", was awarded the 1st degree Diploma in the framework of the competition of scientific research and design and creative works of young scientists of Eurasia "Science and creativity: dialogue and development. Tatiana's scientific advisor Svetlana Savinova is sure that this work will find recognition more than once.

- The path from the idea of ​​the layout to its use in lessons and breaks was very long. It all started with understanding the importance of this topic and creating a didactic game on the rules of the road. But it is much more interesting to roll the dice and move not just on the playing field, but on the model of the native microdistrict! This is how the idea of ​​research work was born. I am happy for Tatiana Andreevna and I want to wish her new achievements!

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