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Scientists of VyatSU - RFBR grant holders

  • 12 February 2019, 10:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2960

Associate professors Marina Polovnikova, Natalya Chernysheva, Konstantin Chernyshev, Ekaterina Bykova and Olga Obukhova won the competition for the best projects of basic scientific researches

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research announced the results of the competition for the best projects (competition code A) - among the winners at once, 5 scientists of the Flagship University of the Kirov region! On the eve of the Day of Russian science, they told about their research.

For associate professor of the Department of History and Political Science Natalia Chernysheva, the project “Population of the Volga-Vyatka region of the RSFSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)” this grant was the fourth. As Natalya Viktorovna explained, the grant performer is associate professor Marina Svinova (Moscow), and the implementation of the project dedicated to the population of five regions: Gorky and Kirov regions, Mariisk, Chuvash and Mordovskaya ASSR - will be implemented within two years.

Konstantin Chernyshev, associate professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management, became one of the winners of the competition in the scientific direction “Economics”.

Ekaterina Bykova, associate professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Sociology and Philosophy, won the RFBR grant for the project “Local traditions and historical memory in the art of Old Believers of the 20th - early 21st centuries”, aimed at studying the traditional culture of the Old Believers in Russia and abroad.

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