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To the 60th anniversary of technological education in Vyatka

  • 6 October 2019, 07:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2895

The All-Russian scientific and practical conference in Vyatka State University will bring together students and employees, representatives of enterprises. There are graduates of the university of different years among them

On October 11-12, the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Problems of art and technological education at school and university”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of technological education in Vyatka will be held at the Flagship University.

Participants of the event aimed at identifying and disseminating innovative ideas and effective pedagogical practices in the field of art and technology education of schools and universities will be employees of educational, research and specialized institutions,postgraduate students, magistrands and students. Among them there are many graduates of the University of different years.

Among the objectives of the conference are the search for new opportunities for the implementation of modern technological education for schoolchildren, the identification of personnel potential for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of art and pedagogical education, the creation of a space for professional interaction between educational organizations at various levels within the framework of artistic and technological education, exchange and dissemination of effective pedagogical practices work with gifted children and people with disabilities in the field of art and technological education.

The conference will include a plenary session, a round table, a creative meeting, presentations of innovative platforms, scientific and technical centers and laboratories of VyatSU, an exhibition of works by students, teachers and schoolchildren.

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