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Student VyatSU Maret Doskhoeva won in a prestigious powerlifting tournament and its individual movements

  • 25 February 2022, 15:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3010

The fourth-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport showed high results in the execution of squatting with a barbell, bench presses, deadlifts

On February 19, at the Motherland of Yesenin and Evpathy Kolovrat a "Ryazan Kosopusaya" tournament in Powerlifting and his individual movements was held.

Vyatka State University was represented by the WRPF world record holder in bench presses Maret Doskhoeva. This time, Maret participated in triathlon. In general, the performance was successful. Already in the first exercise (squats with a barbell),  Maret got a new record of Russia among juniors 125 kg, thereby showing her competitors, that she came to take the victory. In her specialty (bench presses), the 4th year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport raised her personal record of 110 kg. In the final exercise (deadlift), Maret modestly lifted 115 kg, thereby securing her victory in the absolute assessment among all participants. According to the result, Maret Beslanovna totaled the amount of 350 kg in the three movements of the powerlifting in the category below 67.5 kg.

Now the most important thing is to reveal the potential of Maret in squatting and deadlifts without hurting the bench presses -

Commented on its coach, famous Kirov athlete Philip Obukhov

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