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Students and staff of VyatSU gave life to a pine forest

  • 2 October 2020, 08:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1966
They became participants of the annual action held in the Korshik forestry


On September 25, Russia hosted the annual “Save the Forest” campaign aimed at restoring the country's forest resources. The event was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Forestry Agency and the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation with the support of the ONF Youth within the framework of the Ecology national project, as well as the All-Russian campaign Live, Forest!

A forest was planted on the territory of the forest area within the quarter 73 of the Korshik forestry located in the Orichevsky district. It was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region Roman Beresnev, the acting Minister of Forestry Dmitry Lebedev; employees of regional ministries, the Ministry for Emergency Situations, Kirov regional statespecialized autonomous institution “Lesoohrana”; students and teachers of educational institutions of the Kirov region.

 Vyatka state University was represented by students and teachers of the Institute of biology and biotechnology (profile “forest science”) and the Institute of chemistry and ecology (training areas “Forestry”, “Pedagogical education: geography, ecology”), employees of the competence center “Use of biological resources”.

Many of the students became participants in the action for the first time - this did not prevent them from successfully mastering the method of planting seedlings with an open root system using Kolesov's sword. In total, about 21 thousand pine seedlings were planted.

 The action united people of different ages - together they gave life to a new pine forest!

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