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Students and teachers of VyatSU Polytechnic Institute made a small winter house for wild ducks

  • 28 December 2016, 17:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3136

This week-end some heartful students and teachers of VyatSU Department of woodworking machinery and technology from the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design made a small house for ducks on the pond’s bank in the park named after S.M.Kirov.

Some activists have worried about ducks’ difficulties due to extremely cold weather, so they asked VyatSU for a help with a duck house construction.

Despite the deceptive simplicity the house design demanded several manufacturing problems to be solved by the students and teachers of the department.

There are the following demands to the construction:

- an eco-designed convenient shelter for birds to be hidden from snow, wind and rain;

- a modern woodworking technology to be used;

- a nice looking element of a park landscape to be created;

- traditional Vyatka crafts to be reminded to locals and Kirov visitors.

In addition to its primary purpose the furniture panel of the construction will also be studied by the scientists: this material is often used for the furniture manufacturing, but almost never for outdoor decoration.

This ventilated facade panel is to be studied by its characteristic features. These panels have already been used in the wooden construction named GREENKA , the technology developed by the head of VyatSU Research Laboratory "New Technologies and Materials" Eugeny Bondarev.

The small duck house is provided with a roof-lifting construction for a regular cleanup. In the future some more adjustments to the design and manufacturing of products with various ornaments will be possibly made for more ducks have got their shelters in winter.


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