Online newspaper

Students, graduate students and young professionals are invited to participate in the Mentoring program 2.0

  • 25 September 2020, 10:15
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2700

The mentoring program is a unique project in which more experienced specialists - mentors - share their experience with less experienced ones - mentors.

This year, successful professionals and masters of their craft, strong leaders, entrepreneurs and businessmen act as mentors in the mentoring program.

Becoming a mentee, you will get the opportunity

    meet with super-professionals and discuss issues of professional and personal growth that are important to you,
    learn from the mentor practical knowledge and the best experience,
    receive advice on developing your career,
    acquire knowledge from new areas,
    understand that circumstances will change, but you can always be above them!

Fill out the mentee questionnaire before 06.10.2020 and join the project!


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