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Students-philologists of VyatSU became participants of a discussion of actual problems of modern literary education.

  • 29 April 2019, 09:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4398

It was held in the framework of the V All-Russian Scientific Video Conference with International Participation "Master for Science and Education: actual problems of modern literary education"

On April 18, magistrands and fifth-year students of the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications of VyatSU became participants of the V All-Russian Scientific Video Conference with International Participation “Master for Science and Education: actual problems of modern literary education”, initiated by the Department of literature teaching methods of Moscow Pedagogical State University.

The aim of the conference was to identify and analyze current problems of literary education and promising educational practices. Representatives of universities of Moscow, Volgograd, Voronezh, Kazan, Tula, Penza and Republic of Belarus attended the conference.

A great interest was aroused by the report “The reader culture of modern students-philologists: interests, priorities, projects” by the magistrand of the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications of VyatSU Anna Isakina.

The advisor of the report, the Head of the Department of Russian and foreign literature and teaching methods, Professor Elena Galitskikh noted:

Modern education is testing new forms of scientific interaction, such as video conferencing and webinars on online courses. The ability to instantly cover the distance with the help of information technologies and compare the training of magistrands from different universities, to look for the intersection of scientific topics are important tasks for us.

Elena Olegovna is sure that participation in videoconferences allows students to gain useful experience in organizing and conducting them. Special thanks E.O. Galitskikh expressed to technical masters A.V. Mikheev and N.V. Shikhov.

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