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The architectural student center of VyatSU took an important step towards the restoration of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Kilmez

  • 1 December 2021, 12:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1393

Currently, a conceptual project for the reconstruction of an Orthodox church is being implemented, which at the end of the 19th century played a key role in the life of the village, and later was almost completely destroyed and served for many years not for its intended purpose.

One of the most significant cases for the region in the framework of the youth policy of the federal program "Priority-2030" is being implemented today at the Faculty of Construction and Architecture. The project team was made up of the participants of the architectural student center Diana Shupletsova and Ekaterina Turaeva. Under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Ksenia Bryzgalova, the fourth-year students took up the solution of an ambitious task - the creation of a conceptual project for the reconstruction of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Kilmez, Kirov region.

    "An official request for help in the development of the draft design of the temple came from the diocesan bishop, Bishop of Urzhum and Omutninsky John. We are always glad to have such work - lively, proceeding from the real needs of people, bringing concrete practical benefits; therefore, they enthusiastically took up its implementation" - told Ksenia Valerievna.

The history of the Trinity Church in Kilmezi began in the 17th century: then a wooden structure was erected. Later it was moved to a neighboring village, and in its place in 1824-1836. a stone church was built. an eight by a four; an apse attached to the east; a detached bell tower, embraced by a refectory - the architectural object had a completely typical appearance for the temple construction in Russia and became the main one in the village. The beautiful temple was framed by a wonderful garden bearing fruit - at the end of the 19th century, this place seemed to be the embodiment of harmony and joy. However, in the XX century, difficult times came for it: in the 30s the bell tower and the main dome were demolished, a faceless annex appeared instead of the altar, and the building itself began to be used as a club. Church services were resumed here only many years later, and then the idea arose to recreate the temple in the form in which it appeared before the parishioners at the time of its greatest prosperity.

    "In addition to the rector of the church, Father Vladimir, the Krupin brothers , natives of the village of Kilmez, became the ideological inspirers of the restoration of the church. Vladimir Nikolaevich is a famous writer, and Mikhail Nikolaevich taught at our department for a long time. It was he who carried out the measurements of the building, providing us with invaluable assistance" - Ksenia Bryzgalova reported.

The work on the sketch was carried out on the basis of the only photograph that captured the appearance of the church. The parts of the object visible on it were correlated by researchers with what the building is today - as a result, the previous appearance was recreated and reflected in the architectural model made by Diana and Catherine at the highest level

    "We decided to use the layout as a kind of time capsule, putting inside information about today's time, its features, the difficulties of the pandemic - we hope our message will be interesting to people from the future - the authors shared.

In the meantime, the students will have the main stage of work before them - the implementation of the graphic part of the conceptual project for the reconstruction of the Trinity Church. The other day, Father Vladimir visited the architects of VyatSU - impressed by what he saw, he, as a token of gratitude, presented the participants of the project with souvenir mugs with the image of the temple.

Ahead is a difficult path to restore an Orthodox object, important for the Kirov region. The first confident step has already been taken.

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