Online newspaper

The role of biodegradable materials in global ecology: VyatSU has its own opinion

  • 27 September 2020, 14:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3451

On September 29, university scientists will take part in a webinar "Prospects for the use of biodegradable polymers"

How to reduce the burden on the environment? What are the prospects for biodegradable materials in terms of replacing "disposable" plastics? Can polymers be used in regenerative medicine or pharmaceuticals? These and other socially important topics will be raised at the event.

Among the participants are engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists from Russian universities, specialists in the field of chemistry and chemical technology of polymer materials. VyatSU will be represented by Evgeniya Sergeevna Shirokova (PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Processing, Institute of Chemistry and Ecology) and Andrey Alekseevich Burkov (PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Processing, Institute of Chemistry and Ecology).

Registration for the event >>


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