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The Strategy for the socio-economic development of the city of Kirov until 2035 is discussed at the Vyatka State University

  • 7 July 2020, 08:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1993
On July 2, at the University's Boiling Point, multidisciplinary teams offered their vision of the main directions of the Inspired People Block

Recently, the rector of VyatSU, Valentin Pugach, announced the completion of the university’s participation in the Development Program for the Flagship Universities of Russia for 2016-2020. Does this mean that having lost the status of a flagship university, the Vyatka State University will isolate itself and cease to play a key role in the life of the region and the regional center? Of course not: after all, during this time a lot of experience has been accumulated, dozens of projects have been implemented for the population of the Kirov region, and fresh ideas are not running out. And who, if not the specialists of VyatSU, is best aware of both the demands of the region as a whole and the aspirations of each of its residents?

It is not surprising that the university team did not stand away from the creation of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the city of Kirov until 2035, the developer of which is the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

On July 2, a second meeting dedicated to the discussion of one of the key blocks of the Strategy, called “Inspired People” was held at the University's Boiling Point.

After reviewing what developers are offering now, many questions are remain. In order to create a truly relevant document, we need a detailed study of each item, taking into account the real situation in the city and region. We consider it fundamentally important not to stay away from the adoption of fateful decisions, - stressed Valentine Pugach.

Representatives of the city administration and organizations of Kirov were invited to the next strategic session: after all, working out a single position should ensure the coherence of all parties in the further implementation of the tasks.

It is important to remember that the Strategy is being developed for a person who wants to live in a happy and comfortable city, - formulated the focus of the work on the document the Deputy head of the city administration Larisa Kopysova.

Creation of conditions for increasing the birth rate and strengthening the institution of the family; conservation and development of labor resources; ensuring social well-being of the population; providing affordable, high-quality and continuing education that meets modern society requirements; development of socio-cultural and leisure sphere; development of the sphere of physical education and sports; creation of conditions for effective self-realization for young citizens — each of the seven areas of the “Inspired People” block was carefully worked out by the interdisciplinary teams of Vyatka State University. Corrections of the proposals of the main developers of the Strategy, own vision of the main projects and key events for their implementation were presented during the strategy session, moderated by the Vice-rector for strategic development and project activities of VyatSU Konstantin Bazhin.

The level of discussion was high, and there was a sharp discussion on a number of issues. This means that people are really interested, heartily support the cause, and dream of using their own knowledge and experience for the benefit of others.

The meeting brought obvious benefits: questions were asked, suggestions were formulated, everyone heard others and themselves. It was an interesting intellectual work, the results of which we have to finalize, - summed up V.N. Pugach.

The meeting participants will continue working on errors in the groups and present their results on July 9 at the final event of the cycle.

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