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  • 5 October 2020, 10:35
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1804

VyatSU is preparing a package of proposals for the improvement of the park named after Yu.A. Gagarin

These days in Kirov, project documentation for the improvement of the "Gagarinsky" park is being created. As its main resident, VyatSU, which regularly initiates positive changes in our city, has prepared its own ideas for the content and structural filling of the resting place. The project team includes scientists in the field of architecture, biologists, geographers and many others.

Among the proposals:

    installation of a pump track for cyclists and the creation of an illuminated cycle track, with the transformation into a ski track in winter
    construction of a multifunctional playground for classes and competitions in mini-football, basketball, volleyball
    equipment of a warm-up area with horizontal bars, parallel bars, a handle
    placement of workout areas
    construction of a military sports obstacle course (on the south side of the park zone)
    opening of a concert venue with a covered stage, pedestrian paths, lighting (the planned location is the center of the park so that the soundtrack of events does not interfere with residents of nearby houses)

These proposals will be discussed with representatives of the city and regional administration on October 3 at the "Boiling Point" of VyatSU. Sending its proposals for the improvement of one of the favorite vacation spots of Kirov residents, the university is implementing the "Third Mission". We are interested in the university's intellectual resources being applied in the largest ambitious projects.

To make our city better? Easy! For this, it is enough just not to stand aside, VyatSU is sure. However, anyone can express their opinion on this project! Send your suggestions to the mail: We will definitely pass them on to the design team!

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