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The VyatSU team was among the strongest in the qualifying stage of the World Student Programming Championship

  • 12 October 2021, 01:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1651

 More than 150 teams from universities of the Central Federal District took part in the competition

For several decades, the ICPC World Team Championship has been the most prestigious competition for programmers. Within five hours, teams of three students each solve 12 algorithmic problems and develop programs. If the developed program works correctly on all tests, then the problem is considered passed. The team that has completed the greatest number of tasks is considered a champion - a real sport among programmers.

The new competitive season of the ICPC has opened with a qualifying stage. VyatSU presented ten teams formed from students of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems for the competition.

The top five included the VyatkaSU 9 team consisting of Victoria Algina (FAVT, IVTb-4301-01-00), Kirill Chuvyzgalov (FKiFMN, Fib-3301-51-00), Ilya Tropin (FKiFMN, Fib-3301-51-00). They are on the fifth line in the overall standings, having solved 11 problems out of 12.

This team will represent Vyatka State University in the quarterfinals of the Central Region of Russia, which will be held on November 6-7, 2021 in Yaroslavl. In addition to that, several more teams from VyatSU will be invited to the quarterfinals. Moreover, there is someone to choose from - the VyatkaSU 2 and VyatkaSU 5 teams performed very well, solving 10 problems each.

Out of the competition, two teams from the college also took part on the site of VyatSU.

Gennady Chistyakov, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computing Machines:

    It is interesting for us to watch how the guys from the college perform. So far, they competed fairly well with university students and even confidently overcame them. On the site of VyatSU, teams from the college took 6th and 10th places out of twelve.

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