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Vyatka State University - co-organizer of the Civil Forum of the Kirov Region - 2021

  • 25 October 2021, 21:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1406

The "Boiling Point" again became the platform of the event and among the speakers and participants of the forum were employees of the largest university in the region

On October 22, the XI Civil Forum of the Kirov Region, organized by the Public Chamber of the Region and Vyatka State University, with the support of the Regional Ministry of Internal Policy, began its work. “National projects and society - consumption, complicity or management” - this became the key topic in the extensive program of the event, which brought together representatives of non-profit organizations, heads of regional and municipal authorities, social entrepreneurs, journalists, and social activists. According to the chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kirov region Natalya Shedko, representatives of different regions of the country took part in the forum - 2021: the Far East, Yakutia, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod.

Addressing the participants who gathered at the site of the university's "Boiling Point" and connected to it online, the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach emphasized the importance of interaction between the university and a wide range of partners for the benefit of the region. In this context, the victory of VyatSU in the competitive selection of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the entry of the university into "Priority 2030", the most ambitious program of state support and development of universities in the history of the country, are of particular importance.

In its development program, VyatSU staked on the creation of a "native city" as an optimal model for the development of the region, an ideal place for self-realization of a harmonious personality that transforms the world.

    - We want to ensure that the provinciality, remoteness and other characteristics of the region, which are perceived by many as weak, unprofitable for it, would be filled with a different meaning, turning into a competitive advantage; so that life in the region acquires a new quality. The university has already developed a strong interdisciplinary team, but we will be glad to see external partners in it. We invite everyone to cooperate, - called Valentin Nikolaevich.

The first to respond was the governor of the Kirov region, Igor Vasiliev, who promised support and participation in the university's endeavors. Speaking about the importance of the forum, the head of the region emphasized:

    The Civil Forum is one of the most significant events in the public life of the region. It gathers at its sites people who are not indifferent, with an active life position, active and proactive, in order to discuss topical issues regarding the further development and prosperity of the Kirov region.

The forum participants were greeted by the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region Roman Beresnev, the head of the city of Kirov Elena Kovaleva, the Ombudsman for the Kirov region Galina Burkova, the deputy secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Tochenov.

The forum participants continued their work within the framework of the plenary session "The Role of Civil Society in the Implementation of National Projects".

Also, throughout the day, section work was in full swing at the "Point", an active role in the organization and implementation of which was played by the employees of Vyatka State University. Professor Tamara Ashikhmina acted as one of the moderators of the section "Reality and prospects for the implementation of the national project "Ecology". Conservation of forests. Problems of clean air in the urban environment ”.

Specialists of the Department of Social Work and Youth Policy discussed issues of social activity and social responsibility of youth in the region, identifying the main barriers and points of development. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Dmitry Plotnikov, organized the work of the section "Human rights and state mechanisms during the continuation of the pandemic." Employees of the Department of State and Municipal Law, together with colleagues from different structural divisions of the university and other organizations, discussed the problems of labor migration of graduates of regional universities.

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