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Vyatka State University continues to implement the project “I am a Professional”

  • 9 June 2020, 23:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1774

A meeting on the organization of an expedition to remote areas of the Earth was held with students of the “Tourism” training direction on June 8

The speakers were professional travelers from the Perm and the Kirov regions.

 Korolev Andrey Yuryevich - Candidate of Science in Geography, associate professor of the Department of Tourism of Perm State National Research University, four-time champion of Russia in sports tourism, a member of the Russian Geographical Society - spoke about the expedition project “Poles of Earth inaccessibility” and the features of organizing complex expeditions to Greenland, the Andes, Alaska, Nepal, Antarctica, Chukotka, Putorana plateau.

 Gerasimov Sergey Vasilievich - a Chairman of the Federation of Wellness and Sports Tourism of the Kirov Region, a member of the Russian Geographical Society - on the example of a trip to the Putorana plateau, shared his experience on the technology of organizing expeditions, choosing a travel area, selecting equipment, completing groups, passing local and long-term obstacles, attracting sponsors.

 A very interesting speech was about the expedition “On the Yenisei to the Putorana Plateau”, which was attended by Evgeny Valeryevich Konyshev, Candidate of Science in Geography, associate professor of the Tourism and Human Resources Department of VyatSU, the head of the educational program “Tourism”, the head of the Commission for tourism development of the Kirov regional branch of the Russian geographical society. He spoke about the organization of research activities during the expedition. Students learned about the depth at Lake Dupkun, where the highest waterfall in Russia is located, and what tourist and recreational potential near the Yenisei River.

 We hope that soon students will be able to apply their experience in organizing their own travels.

The meeting was held online using the Zoom platform.

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