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Vyatka State University entered the ranking of publication activity of universities - 2021

  • 14 June 2021, 17:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1496

The scientific productivity of the university is noted in such subject areas as the humanities and social sciences, energetics, ecology, management.

The Analytical Center "Expert" presented the results of a study of the publication activity of Russian universities. The rating evaluates the country's universities solely on the basis of scientometric indicators, excluding evaluations and surveys.

In 2021, Vyatka State University entered the ranking in five subject areas, in three of them - the humanities, social sciences, energy - for the first time, taking 24th, 22-25th and 35th places, respectively. In addition, the largest university in the region was ranked 27th in management and 33rd in ecology.

    This result is due to the implementation of a set of measures to increase the publication activity of the university staff. Among them are incentive mechanisms within the framework of an effective contract, new partnerships, projects implemented both on the territory of the Kirov region and beyond. Also, this is the development of its own journals, and the work of the Center for Publication Activity on the selection of journals and assistance in the placement of publications and - most importantly - increasing the level of research and competence of the university authors, -

commented the vice-rector for science and innovations of VyatSU Sergey Litvinets.

The calculation of ranking positions this year was carried out in four areas: "Quality of University Growth", "Demand for Scientific Activity", "Scale, Sustainability of Scientific Activity", "Excellence". In the calculations of the first three, the compilers of the rating took into account only journal articles in all subjects, except for computer science and artificial intelligence.

The new “Excellence” block included a combination of metrics similar to those measured in the first three blocks. All calculations were performed for publications included in the first quartile of Scopus and WoS (in the humanities, the entry into the AHCI index was used instead of the WoS quartile). The first indicator, “Publication volume Q1”, which shows the scale of activity for high quality articles, is counted as the total number of articles on a given subject. The second indicator, "Average citation of articles Q1", assesses the visibility and relevance of articles in the Russian and world scientific field. Finally, the last indicator, Representation in Q1 Subdomains, assesses a university's ability to publish articles on a wide range of topics within a subject area.

Also, we will note that in the spring the results of the international ranking of universities CSImago Institutions Ranking 2021 became known. VyatSU ranked 44th among the strongest Russian universities and became 798th among universities and scientific organizations in the world.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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