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Vyatka State University is a participant in the formation of the ecological market of the future

  • 17 October 2020, 10:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1948

Joining the EcoNet NTI 2.0 foresight team, the university scientist Tatyana Musikhina headed the work of the working group on "end-to-end technologies" and educational products

The three-month NTI 2.0 foresight, organized by the NTI Platform, University 20.35, Russian Venture Company, Agency for Strategic Initiatives and conducted in an online format, has recently ended. The objectives of the event were to analyze trends, forecast demand, possible threats and barriers in various sectors of the economy, as well as the needs for the preparation of the necessary specialists by Russian universities.

Vyatka State University at the NTI 2.0 foresight was represented by several employees who became participants in forecasting and activities of forming roadmaps for various markets of the future.

One of them is the Head of the Department of Industrial and Applied Ecology Tatiana Musikhina, who has thirty years of experience in the field of ecology, including those related to the regulatory support of activities in the legal environmental field. An environmental scientist from VyatSU successfully passed the foresight selection and entered the EcoNet market team along with entrepreneurs, heads of enterprises and public organizations, representatives of other Russian universities from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk. In the EcoNet team, Tatyana Anatolyevna headed the activities of the working group on the topic of "end-to-end technologies", as well as educational products and technologies.

In the course of joint work, the team put forward hypotheses for the development of the ecological market. The main ones, from the point of view of the VyatSU ecologist, are the technologies of symbiosis between man and nature, a cyclical economy with minimization of the eco-trail (sustainable economy). The subject of the market was also formulated: it is a complex of environmentally friendly, clean, "green" technologies and products aimed at ensuring sustainable human interaction with the environment, increasing the efficiency of resource consumption and developing a circular economy. Priority technologies in this direction were identified.

The main result of the team's work was the creation of a roadmap for the ecological market of the future - in the near future it will be presented to the expert community.

Speaking about the importance of foresight for the region and the country, T.A. Musikhina noted:

    We were able to see, predict and formulate a strategic vector of development, identify technological and legal barriers for it, and also support new promising technologies.

Tatyana Anatolyevna also shared:

    For me, participation in the NTI 2.0 foresight became an opportunity for a “global” systematization of the existing body of knowledge in the field of environmental protection, confirmation of the correctness of the course taken several years ago on waste processing and recycling technologies in the research and scientific activities of the Department of Industrial and Applied Ecology, Institute of Chemistry and Ecology VyatSU as a whole. In addition, our vision of the development of the educational sphere in the areas of training specialists in the field of environmental protection was confirmed.

Translated by Artemy Sizov


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