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Vyatka State University is conducting a study of the cultural code of the inhabitants of the region, the first results of which were told by the project manager Ekaterina Mityagina

  • 27 January 2022, 15:28
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1292
Smile more often, people of Kirov!

The largest university in the Kirov region is in full swing implementing the program "Priority - 2030", aimed at transforming the region into a "rodnopolis" - a territory of happiness and unlimited opportunities for self-realization of a harmonious personality.

A large amount of work has already been carried out within the framework of the Harmonious Personality strategic project, one of the most important components of which was the Russian Cultural Code project. It, in turn, includes a number of blocks, among which is the study of the cultural code of a citizen of Kirov. The main part of the work on the regional topic is carried out by the head of the Center for Applied Data Analysis of Vyatka State University Ekaterina Mityagina and associate professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Sociology and Philosophy Maria Starikova.

- At the start of the study, we had several hypotheses. One of them is related to the possibility of studying the cultural code with the help of big data: before us, as far as I know, no one has done this. Another suggestion was that the cultural code is regionally specific. It seemed important to us, especially in the light of the objectives of the Priority 2030 program: after all, aiming at creating a space of happiness, we must clearly understand what makes our people happy, what aspects are most significant for the people of Kirov, - said Doctor of Sociological Sciences Ekaterina Mityagina.

The project team analyzed reviews, about the Kirov region and the people of Kirov, left by guests and residents of the region on 38 travel sites. We are talking about 4325 comments, which made it possible to study the manifestation of the elements of the cultural code of everyday life, the dominance of everyday and domestic practices of the Kirovites and create a generalized portrait of a resident of the region.

Many Kirovites seem closed, stern and unsmiling. However, as they get to know each other, with closer communication, the impression changes - the inhabitants of the Vyatka land appear as sympathetic, friendly, attentive people. They are friendly, ready to participate, to help.

It is here, in the Russian provinces, that people are most inclined to preserve the traditional way of life, are committed to family values: as a rule, they significantly prevail over career aspirations. Kirovites love their land, its nature and sights; the vast majority have no desire to change their place of residence.

Residents of the region are actively reflecting; they critically evaluate themselves and their fellow countrymen, while the tone of feedback from the guests of the region about the residents of Kirov is generally positive:


"Special people, not spoiled by luxury, deeply loving their native land", - here is a typical review of a non-resident visitor to Vyatka about its inhabitants.

See the best in yourself and others, find beauty and positive moments here and now; not only to condemn, but also to become active participants in the transformations - this is what, based on the research data, is sometimes lacking for the inhabitants of the region. Ekaterina Mityagina summarized:

- The work carried out is valuable in that it makes it possible to draw important conclusions about the inhabitants of the Kirov region and formulate recommendations for them. I believe that professional psychologists will help us in this regard. Let me give you some personal advice. Do not dwell on the negative, tune in to the good, try to find the positive aspects in life. Do not be afraid to be open, ask questions, express your opinion. Walk towards people, take the first step. Say hello and smile more often!

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