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Vyatka State University is one of the top 100 Russian universities in the international Webometrics ranking

  • 3 August 2020, 10:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1803

The international ranking of educational institutions Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, compiled every six months, assesses the impact of universities in the global space.

The assessment is carried out using a combined indicator that takes into account both webometric and bibliometric indicators.

The activity of educational organizations is assessed from the standpoint of its effectiveness, relevance and reflection in the external information space.

The Flagship University of the Kirov region ranked 71st among almost 1,100 Russian universities (including branches) that took part in the ranking. If we talk about the global ranking, which evaluated about 30,000 higher education institutions from more than 200 countries, then VyatSU ranked 3534th.

It should be noted that over the past six months, Vyatka state University has risen by 7 positions among Russian universities, starting from 2016 – by 176.

The steady annual upward movement of Vyatka state University in this rating proves the validity of its development vectors.

Recall that the implementation of the Program for the Development of Flagship Universities is ending in Russia, and this year has become a time of new challenges for Vyatka State University, as well as for the whole country. The search for adequate answers to the requests of the moment did not cancel the implementation of the strategic tasks enshrined in the VyatSU Development Program for 2016-2020. Moreover, this year is a time for summarizing the results and comprehending the path that the University has taken since becoming one of the flagship universities in Russia.

The final summing up of participation in the Development Program of the flagship universities of the country is still ahead for the university. New projects, more complex ones, are ahead.

Having gained a wealth of experience as a Flagship University of the region, VyatSU will cope with new challenges!

The ranking is published by the research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - Cybermetrics Lab.

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