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Vyatka State University offers innovative ideas in technological preparation of pupils and students

  • 29 April 2016, 14:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2288

On April 26, the Fundamental university launched the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Problems of design and technological education at schools and universities." It was organized by the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design.

The scientific forum on this topic has become a tradition. It welcomes university professors, students, teachers of technology and fine arts, teachers of additional education. Traditionally, participants of the conference discuss scientific issues and problems of pupils’ technological preparation, assess presented multimedia lessons, textbooks on modern technologies.

This year the event was "opened" the round table meeting. It considered issues on the development of innovative content of pupils’ technological preparation, on the use of ICT for improving the efficiency of the educational process.

Galina Nekrasova, Professor of the Department of Design, Art, Technology and Teaching, marked the prospects for the development of students and pupils’  technology education: the use of electronic books, flash animation at technology lessons, mobile devices and applications and so on.

Galina Nikolaevna called the audience’s attention to the fact that within High-school D.T. syllabus teachers extensively rely on online resources. Teachers build theme web-sites, create educational quests, etc. She came up with the idea of establishing a professional online community among the Kirov region teachers.

Yelena Shigareva, a post-graduate student at the Department of D.T., presented A trip to the nano-world educational quest, designed by herself. Svetlana Lapina, a post-graduate student at the same Department, shared her views on the role of manual craftsmanship within the school syllabus.