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Vyatka State University scientists have proposed an effective way to combat air pollution by animals of agricultural farms and at the same time obtain high-quality fertilizer

  • 12 April 2020, 22:13
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3719
The development is patented and ready for implementation in any region of Russia

Ventilation emissions from premises for keeping animals in industrial livestock complexes are one of the components of the total amount of pollution recorded in the regions of Russia. These are serious indicators: for example, up to 600 and more tons of manure are formed on a pig farm for 60-65 thousand heads daily. During the year, the resulting manure is stored near farms and only after this time can it be transported to the fields as fertilizer.

Given the proximity of many agricultural holdings to human settlements, the problem of air pollution from animal waste is becoming especially acute - the desission of it was proposed by the employees of the VyatSU Biomonitoring Research Laboratory. An effective way to eliminate the smell of ventilation emissions from industrial premises for keeping pigs was developed and patented by N.K. Syrchina, T.Ya. Ashikhmina, Yu.N. Terentyev, L.V. Pylyp.

We have been dealing with the problem of odors for about five years. Sewage sludge from municipal systems, pig and cow dung, bird droppings - this is the subject of our work. Students of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of Vyatka State University take an active part in the research work, -

explained Nadezhda Syrchina, the senior researcher at the Research Laboratory of Biomonitoring. -

Taking on the solution to the problem of eliminating odors on livestock farms, we took into account the experience of countries with developed pig farming - such as Denmark and Sweden. There, to reduce the emission of ammonia and other toxic gases from pig manure, acidification of effluents with a solution of sulfuric acid is used.

We proposed to hold plastic pipes with nozzles under the floor in the animal welfare rooms, as well as use a solution of sulfuric acid to treat wastewater. In a slightly acidic environment, the activity of the urease enzyme decreases, and the decomposition of urea with the release of ammonia slows down sharply. Acidification helps to reduce emissions from manure not only ammonia, but also other toxic and greenhouse gases, including hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, methane and others.

Reducing the content of pollutants in the air of pig farms can reduce ventilation costs. The same can be attributed to heating, the need for which directly depends on the intensity of ventilation.

The scientists of Vyatka State University went even further: they proposed adding phosphorites and glauconites to the manure treated with sulfuric acid, followed by processing the resulting mixture into granular organic fertilizer.

Waste, thus, is treated with sulfuric acid and is fed to a separator, where it is slightly dehydrated. After that, phosphorite flour is added to them, due to which acidity is completely neutralized. After granulation and drying, a finished fertilizer is obtained, high-quality, convenient to use and transport, -

said Nadezhda Viktorovna.

This fertilizer can be of particular value when growing rapeseed and cereals.

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