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Vyatka State University teachers took part in the most significant conference on embedded computing

  • 6 August 2019, 09:27
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2813

Representatives of the Department of Radioelectronic Facilities Professor Trubin I.S., associate professors Lesnikov V.A., Kurbatova E.E. and senior lecturer Naumovich T.V. presented Vyatka State University at the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing - MECO '2019/

The conference has been held since 2012 in various cities of Montenegro. Scientists of the Department of Radioelectronic Facilities of Vyatka State University actively participate in the latest MECO conferences.

As in previous years, scientists from more than 40 countries of Europe and Asia South and North America gathered at MECO-2019 to discuss issues in the field of modeling, analysis, design, testing and application of embedded computing systems, including cyberphysical systems and the Internet things.

Thanks to a strong main program with the participation of prominent interdisciplinary speakers, including Nobel laureates, MECO has become one of the significant events in the calendar of events dedicated to embedded computing systems. An acknowledgment of the high scientific and professional level of MECO is the indexation in well-known scientific databases and digital libraries, such as IEEE xPlore, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Web of Sience, Microsoft Academic, etc.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees of MECO-2019 noted the outstanding contribution of three universities - Eindhoven (Netherlands), Prague and Vyatka State University to the successful holding of MECO 2019  with a diploma.


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