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Vyatka State University to participate in Volga – Yangtze project

  • 21 May 2019, 07:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3575
VyatSU has been cooperating with Chinese universities of Hubei province

The development of comprehensive cooperation with China is one of Russia's current priorities. At the initiative of the RF President the Russian-Chinese cooperation project of the regions of the Volga Federal district (Russia) and the provinces of upper and middle streams of the Yangtze river (China) has been developed and successfully implemented. Kirov region is a part of the joint working group of Russian regions participating in the project. VyatSU is a member of the "Volga-Yangtze" Association of Universities and has been successfully cooperating with Chinese universities in Hubei province.

One of them is Huanggang Normal University. The first agreement was signed in May 2018 and just six months later – a network agreement on the bachelor's degree study program "Chinese and English". In accordance with the agreement, Russian citizens will be trained both in Russia (1 year) and in China (3 years) and get China’s bachelor's degree.

In April 2019, negotiations on the signing of the network agreement on a study program «Russian and English» were held. It is planned to arrange the training for Chinese students in a “1+3 format”: 1 year in China, 3 years in Russia, thus, as a result the students will get Russian bachelor's degree diploma. Graduates of the abovementioned programs will be able to work in international companies as translators/ interereters of both Chinese and Russian languages, as well as teachers in educational institutions of any level.

Another important partner of Vyatka State University is Wuhan Textile University. A cooperation agreement was signed in May 2018. Since then the graduates of Wuhan Textile University has been studying the master's degree program 45.04.01 Philology ("Russian as a foreign language"). Some Chinese students are currently being prepared for passing “Russian as a foreign language” exam. At the moment 6 VyatSU students are studying Chinese and preparing for the HSK exam (Chinese as a foreign language) at Wuhan Textile University.  And Wuhan Textile University students get internship at VyatSU instead (currently 6 Chinese students are studying Russian there). A professional retraining program "Translator/ interpreter (Chinese)" is now under development (admission is still in progress).

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