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Vyatka State University will host an international scientific conference "Biomorphology of plants, tradition and modernity"

  • 12 October 2022, 16:36
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1045

Scientists from different regions of Russia, as well as their colleagues from Belarus, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Great Britain will become participants in this significant event in the professional community

On October 19, at 10:00 am, the Vyatka State University Engineering Institute will host the international scientific conference "Plant Biomorphology: Traditions and Modernity." The forum will be held in a mixed online and offline format and will bring together scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Tomsk, Orel, Tver, Syktyvkar, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov and other Russian cities. Representatives of China, Belarus, Great Britain, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will also take part in the scientific event.

    "Plant biomorphology as the doctrine of the structure of plants and the formation of their external appearance (life forms) in the course of individual and historical development took shape by the middle of the last century. The very concept of "biomorphology" was proposed in 1975 and finally formulated in 1981.

    Within the framework of modern biomorphology, interaction between theoretical research and practical activities, integration with other sciences is carried out. The biomorphological approach is essentially a crossroads where all paths of botanical research converge" - Professor of Vyatka State University Natalya Savinykh, Chairman of the Conference Program Committee, told.

Natalya Pavlovna said that this year the conference, held at the university for the sixth time, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Tatyana Ivanovna Serebryakova. Together with her husband I.G. Serebryakov, she became one of the outstanding domestic biomorphologists, raised a galaxy of prominent scientists of our time. The key topic of the first day of the forum will be the heritage of the scientific school of I.G. and T.I. Serebryakov, his influence on the development of biology and ecology.

In the following days, the conference participants will discuss the biomorphology of woody and semi-woody, terrestrial herbaceous, coastal aquatic and aquatic plants. Separate sections will be devoted to the problems of comparative morphology and anatomy of the vegetative and generative organs of plants, applied aspects of plant biomorphology.

The forum will last three days and will end on October 21st.

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