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VyatSU and Kirov Region Development Corporation concludes a cooperation agreement

  • 19 October 2018, 09:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3108

On October 10, Valentin Pugach, VyatSU rector, and Olga Savina, General Director of Kirov Region Development Corporation, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at solving statutory tasks and creating favorable conditions for the implementation of investments and innovations, as well as  creating unified information space to ensure creation for investment activities.

Areas of cooperation are as follows:

joint projects and programs to improve the efficiency of investments and development of innovative activities in Kirov region;

best practices exchange, information and methodological exchange in the field of investment and innovation activities;

cooperation in organization of joint seminars and exhibitions, participation in Russian and international competitions and conferences.
VyatSU and Corporation interaction will focus on facilitating the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy of Kirov Region until 2020.