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VyatSU Basic Department creating in the international children's center "Artek"

  • 12 April 2019, 09:46
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3006
VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach and the acting director of Artek, Konstantin Fedorenko, signed the appropriate package of documents

On April 10th in the Moscow International Education Salon at VDNKh EXPO an agreement was signed on the creation of the Basic Department for Pedagogy of Organizational Activity at the International Children's Center Artek as well as an appropriate roadmap for 2019-2024. The package of documents was signed by VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach and the acting director of Artek Konstantin Fedorenko.

Cooperation with the well-known children's center has been carried out by VyatSU for several years already: up to 40 VyatSU bachelors get practical training and internships there annually.

The Basic Department of Vyatka State University at Artek is a new level of joint activity and means the implementation of unique Master's study programs: “Management of projects and programs in education” and “Pedagogy of talent”.

The tasks for the coming year, fixed in the roadmap for the Basic Department, are as follows: to involve Artek counselors in entering Master’s programs, to assist in formulating the topics for graduation qualification works and other studies in order to solve the scientific and practical tasks of the international children's center, to organize joint training, scientific conferences and other events.

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