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VyatSU celebrated World Tourism Day

  • 29 September 2021, 16:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1625

 Events were held in the framework of the project "I_PROFESSIONAL"

On September 27, students and employees of the Tourism and Human Resourse Management Department of Vyatgu took part in the activities dedicated to the World Tourism Day. The key organizers were the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Kirov Region and KOGAU "Center for Tourism Development of the Kirov Region".

This year, the events were conducted under the slogan "New features of the tourist industry 2021: tourism for a youth audience or "the picture" solves a lot."

The solemn part of the event was the initiation of students of junior courses of the direction "Tourism" in the hospitality volunteers! The volunteer tourist movement is important in the formation of professional competencies of the future employee of the tourism industry.

Representatives of the tourist sphere of the Kirov region were on the platform of the boil point VyatSU.
Irina Bazhina, Deputy Director of KOGAU "Center for the Development of Tourism of the Kirov Region", shared the experience of organizing blog tours in the Kirov region.

Andrei Voronin, the author of the project "Guide in meanings" on the example of his blog told how to interest the audience and make the content "delicious", which methods to use when promoting on the web, on different platforms and with zero budget (Instagram, YouTube ).

How to promote tourist journeys on the Internet we learned from Andrei Zorina, the creator of the tour operator "World of discoveries".

Anna Vladimirovna Shpengler, head of the tourism department and staff management VyatSU presented the results of the study of young people's preferences on choosing digital services when planning travel. "

The final event was a business game about createing a unique tourist product, in which students of the direction "Tourism" took part. Members of the jury were the representatives of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the Kirov region headed by the executive Minister Georgiy Andreevich Barminov, who noted the creativity of students and their desire to act.

The participants of the event received unforgettable emotions, valuable experience and determined further plans in the direction of the development of the inner tourism of the region.

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