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VyatSU Development Fund is looking for new partners

  • 9 July 2020, 15:07
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1728


VyatSU Development Fund is a special fund that was created with the aim of providing a stable non-state source of funding for research and educational activities of Vyatka State University

The non-profit organization VyatSU Development Fund was established in December 2019.

In April 2020, VTB Bank became the first depositor and contributed 3 million rubles to the endowment Fund. In July, the target capital under managed by "VTB the Capital" has started to work. The profit from the endowment fund will be used to support promising investment projects, research and practical activities of students and teachers; to improve the material and technical base of the University.

Vyatka State University is open for communication with everyone who is interested in the development of science, innovation and higher education in the region.


The Chairman of the Presidium, The Chairman of the Board of Trustees - Konstantin Bazhin Sergeevich


The Director of the Fund -

Kozulin Denis Anatolyevich


Phone: 8 (8332) 742-655


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