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VyatSU develops unique phytocosmetics

  • 29 May 2023, 20:18
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1653
Essential oils, plant extracts, fruit powders, flower waters, cleansers, perfumes, lip balms - all these cosmetics and their components are made at the Botanical Garden Research and Education Center of VyatSU

Essential oils, plant extracts, fruit powders, flower waters, cleansers, perfumes, lip balms - all these cosmetics and their components are made at the Botanical Garden Research and Education Center of Vyatka State University

The uniqueness of the product is that it is completely made from plant materials of the Botanical Garden. Graduate students of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of the Vyatka State University of the profile "Development of phytocosmetics" under the guidance of researchers carry out a full cycle of production of cosmetics: from growing raw materials, processing them, developing recipes to obtaining finished products.

Thanks to their own greenhouse, Botsad employees have the opportunity to extract plant extracts all year round. Essential oils are extracted from different groups of plants: citrus, coniferous, flowering. Then they are introduced into perfumes and cosmetics. The results of the scientific experiment showed that the essential oils of the university are not inferior in properties, including bactericidal, to those oils that are produced by large companies.

In the hot summer, hydrolat or, as it is often called, flower water is especially relevant. Scientists at Vyatka State University obtain this product as a by-product in the production of essential oils. Hydrolate can be used as an independent agent - it perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin, has an antiseptic effect - or added as a component of cosmetics, for example, in the aqueous phase of creams.

In the Botanical Garden REC, not only liquid extracts are extracted from plants, but also solid ones, for example, fruit powders. They are made from dried fruits, flowers and vegetative parts of plants. Fruit powders have different effects: apple powder brightens the skin of the face, raspberry powder cleanses and exfoliates, rowan powder brightens, tones and has antibacterial properties, coffee powder is used as a scrub component. On the basis of fruit powders, the final product is made - ubtan, a cleanser in the form of a fine powder.

"The first enrolling of master students for the Phytocosmetics Development profile took place in September 2022, thanks to the participation of Vyatka State University in the Priority 2030 program. During this short period of time of our work, significant results have already been achieved in terms of deep processing of plant materials to obtain ingredients and research on their use in cosmetics and perfumery. In the future, the development of the cosmetics themselves and the passage of quality control at all stages of production" -

notes Irina Konovalova, junior researcher at the Botanical Garden REC, candidate of biological sciences.


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